Eternal Wisdom: Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

In the realm of profound wisdom and timeless teachings, Hazrat Ali, the fourth Caliph of Islam, stands as a beacon of enlightenment. His words resonate through centuries, guiding and inspiring generations.

This article embarks on a journey through the profound insights encapsulated in Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu, offering a glimpse into the profound spiritual wisdom he shared.

Understanding Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu: A Brief Overview

Hazrat Ali, also known as Ali ibn Abi Talib, was born in the sacred city of Mecca in the year 599 CE. He was the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ, and his life was intimately entwined with the early history of Islam.

Hazrat Ali was the fourth Caliph of the Islamic community, revered for his wisdom, valor, and spiritual depth.

The Essence of Hazrat Ali’s Wisdom in Urdu Quotes

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

جب عقل پختہ ہو جاتی ہے تو باتیں کم ہو جاتی ہیں۔

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

شریف آدمی کا بہترین عمل یہ ہے کہ لوگوں کے جو عیوب اسے معلوم ہوں، ان کی طرف دھیان نہ کرے۔

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

جو اپنی آبرو بچا کر رکھنا چاہے اسے چاھۓ کہ بے جا جھگڑا مول لینے سے کنارہ کش رہے۔

This poignant Urdu quote by Hazrat Ali reflects the depth of empathy and understanding he possessed. Translated as “The one who breaks a heart, even the one breaking feels remorse,” it emphasizes the repercussions of causing pain to others. It’s a reminder of the importance of kindness and empathy in our interactions.

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

مصیبت میں گھبرا جانا کمال درجے کی مصیبت ہے۔

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

جب تک کویٔ بات تیرے منہ میں بند ہے تب تک تو اس کا مالک ہے، جب زبان سے نکال چکے وہ تیری مالک ہو چکی۔

In this thought-provoking quote, Hazrat Ali draws a beautiful analogy, comparing a wise individual to a nightingale that proudly displays its virtues. Translated as “A wise person flaunts their character like a nightingale,” it encourages us to showcase our virtues and moral fiber.

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

جس کے ساتھ نیکی کرو اس کے شر سے اپنے آپ کو بچائے رکھو۔

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

تیرا مال وہی ہے جو تو نے راہ حق میں خرچ کیا اور مستحقوں کو دے کر آگے بھیجا۔ جو پیچھے رہا وہ وارثوں کا ہے۔

Hazrat Ali’s wisdom extends to the very core of our humanity in this profound saying. Translated as “There is nothing greater than humanity, and there is nothing without humanity,” it underscores the significance of compassion, empathy, and the human experience itself.

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

Applying Hazrat Ali’s Wisdom in Modern Life

Hazrat Ali’s teachings continue to hold immense relevance in our contemporary lives. By internalizing his timeless wisdom, we can aspire to be more compassionate, understanding, and virtuous individuals. Incorporating these values into our daily interactions can foster a harmonious society built on empathy and respect.

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

بہترین دولت مندی یہ ہے کہ خواہشات کو ترک کر دو۔

1. Embracing Empathy and Compassion

In a world that often seems fast-paced and indifferent, Hazrat Ali’s words remind us to pause and reflect on our actions. Empathy and compassion should be the guiding principles in our interactions, fostering understanding and unity among diverse communities.

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

زبان ایک ایسا درندہ ہے کہ اگر اسے کھلا چھوڑ دیا جاۓ تو پھاڑ کھاۓ گا۔

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

علم مال سے بہتر ہے کیونکہ علم تمہاری حفاظت کرتا ہے اور تم مال کی حفاظت کرتے ہو۔

2. Promoting Virtue and Morality

Hazrat Ali’s emphasis on displaying virtues is a call to uphold righteousness and moral conduct. In both personal and professional spheres, adhering to ethical practices ensures a life of integrity and respect.

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

علم کی خوبی اس پر عمل کرنے میں ہے اور احسان کی خوبی اس کے نہ جتلانے پر ہے۔

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

صاحب علم اگرچہ حقیر حالت میں ہو، اسے ذلیل نہ سمجھ۔ بے وقوف اگر بڑےرتبے پر ہو اسے بڑا مت خیال کر۔

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

دشمن ایک بھی بہت ہے اور دوست زیادہ بھی تھوڑے ہیں۔

3. Cultivating a Humanity-Centric Approach

The essence of being human lies in our ability to care for one another. Hazrat Ali’s teaching urges us to prioritize humanity above all else, recognizing its irreplaceable value in the tapestry of life.

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

غریب وہ ہے جس کا کویٔ دوست نہ ہو۔

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

گناہوں پر نادم ہونا ان کو مٹا دیتا ہے اور نیکیوں پر مغرور ہونا ان کو برباد کر دیتا ہے۔

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu
Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

عورت اگرچہ شر اور خرابی ہے مگر اس سے بڑھ کر خرابی یہ ہے کہ عورت کے بغیر گزارہ بھی نہیں ہو سکتا۔۔

Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu

جس کی گفتگو زیادہ ہو اس کی خطائیں زیادہ ہوتی ہیں اور جس کی غلطیاں زیادہ ہوتی ہوں اس کی حیا کم ہو جاتی ہے اور جس کی حیا کم ہو جاتی ہے اس کا تقویٰ کم ہو جاتا ہے اور جس کا تقویٰ کم ہو اس کا دل مردہ ہو جاتا ہے اور جس کا دل مردہ ہو جاۓ وہ آگ میں داخل ہو گا۔


1. Who is Hazrat Ali, and why are his quotes so popular? Hazrat Ali was a prominent figure in Islam, known for his wisdom and contributions. His quotes hold significance due to their deep insights, moral teachings, and timeless relevance.

2. Are Hazrat Ali’s quotes like a treasure hunt for wisdom, or do they have a secret decoder ring for life’s mysteries? Oh, they’re more like a wise friend whispering secrets to navigate life! His quotes are nuggets of wisdom, offering guidance and thought-provoking insights on various aspects of life.

3. Do these quotes come with a “Do Not Disturb” sign or do they love hanging out in public, waiting to enlighten us? They’re like open books, eager to share their wisdom! You’ll find these quotes in books, social media, and sometimes even whispered in the wind, ready to offer guidance.

4. Can Hazrat Ali’s quotes magically solve daily problems or at least make a bad hair day less terrible? Well, they’re not exactly a magician’s wand, but they’re as good as a pat on the back, offering comfort, guidance, and a different perspective when things aren’t going as planned.

5. Are these quotes deep enough to dive into the philosophical abyss or light enough to float like a cloud in the sky? They’re a mix! Some are deep enough to make you contemplate life for hours, while others are light and refreshing, offering quick insights to ponder.

6. Can Hazrat Ali’s quotes be my life coach or, at the very least, a good motivational speaker for Mondays? Absolutely! They’re like having a wise mentor or a motivational speaker in your pocket, ready to drop nuggets of wisdom whenever you need that extra boost.

7. If life were a stage, are these quotes the spotlight or the unexpected plot twist? They’re both! They shine a spotlight on life’s complexities and occasionally surprise you with a perspective-altering twist.

8. Can these quotes help me find my car keys or unlock the secret of socks vanishing in the laundry? Unfortunately not, but they’re great at unraveling the mysteries of life’s twists and turns, offering guidance and wisdom.

9. Are these Hazrat Ali Quotes like the Batman of advice, swooping in when life gets dark and stormy? Indeed! They’re like the bat signal—there to offer guidance and light during challenging times, ready to share pearls of wisdom.

10. Do these quotes ever take a coffee break or are they always ready to drop some wisdom bombs? They’re always on duty, ready to offer a nugget of wisdom or a guiding light whenever you’re in need of some wise words or a new perspective.


Hazrat Ali’s Urdu quotes carry profound messages that transcend time and culture. Their wisdom has the power to shape a better, more compassionate world. By internalizing and applying these teachings, we honor Hazrat Ali’s legacy and contribute to a more harmonious and understanding society.

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